The project

What is USER-CHI?

Looking for a Europe where electric vehicle charging is widespread, efficient and works for users? Look no further than USER-CHI. Industry powered, city driven and user-centric, USER-CHI will co-create and demonstrate smart solutions around 7 connecting nodes of the Mediterranean and Scandinavian-Mediterranean Trans European Network-Transport (TEN-T) corridors between February 2020 – January 2024 to boost a massive e-mobility market take-up in Europe.


USER-CHI will unlock the massive potential of electromobility in Europe by:

  1. Designing electric charging networks around user needs
  2. Deploying an interoperability framework and platform
  3. Enhancing scalable infrastructure roll-out by means of smart grid integration
  4. Developing marketable, innovative and highly convenient charging systems
  5. Co-designing and demonstrating novel and sustainable business and market models
  6. Making legal and regulatory recommendations for a massive deployment of electric vehicles
