Berlin is the capital and one of the 16 federal states of Germany. With an area of 891.1 km² the city is divided into 12 districts. Berlin is the largest German city and ranked as the 7th most populous city in the European Union.
Located in the north-eastern region, Berlin is one of three cities states in Germany and is surrounded by the Federal State of Brandenburg. Both Berlin and Brandenburg are referred to as the Berlin-Brandenburg metropolitan region. Though, Berlin’s agglomeration is not equal to the Berlin-Brandenburg metropolitan area and needs to be distinguished, accordingly. The agglomeration of Berlin consists of 18 additional city centres, that are part of the Federal State of Brandenburg.
Berlin is an urban node of the North Sea – Baltic corridor connecting the capital with various cities via railway and highways.
Berlin is a demonstrator city within USER-CHI.
The overall approach of the “Berlin model” towards electromobility intended to give easy and non-discriminatory access to charging infrastructure on public streets to every EV driver. To achieve this, the city started the project “be emobil” in 2012, launching a European tender, for the installation of 250 charging stations in the public street network. Since the beginning of the project, a multitude of charging possibilities were created (e.g. electric vehicle charging stations, fast charging points and streetlight chargers). Now Berlin is raising e-mobility to the next level by bringing more standardised and easy-to-use charging points to its streets.
From charging with alternating current (AC) at 3.7 kW, 7 kW, 11 kW, to direct current (DC) at up to 43 kW, or co-current flow up to 50 kW, all current standards and all connector types will be served. This will ensure that in the future all electric vehicles will be able to charge.
The Berlin Senate department for the environment, transport, and climate protection (SenUVK) currently works on the further development of the public charging infrastructure. This includes for instance the revision of the current “Berlin model” by including current developments in the field of electromobility and charging infrastructure. The approach consists of several revision rounds, internally, with other municipalities, and within the city with other Senate Departments and city districts.
Partners involved: Gewobag; VMZ Berlin; IKEM; Qwello. Associated partner: Senate Department for Environment, Transport and Climate Protection Berlin (SenUVK)

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