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The electromobility podcast – Episode 5 – Electric car-sharing and long-distance adventures in Europe
Let’s take a look at electric mobility from up above and down the ground for the final episode of USER-CHI podcast series.
In this episode, we discuss the availability of electric car sharing all across Europe with Martin Baierl from the Clean Cities Campaign and hear the story of Peter Staelens who took a long-distance trip from Belgium to Italy with its private electric car.
Download the Clean Cities Campaign publication “Thank you for sharing: The state of shared and zero-emission mobility in European cities”.
Listen now
The electromobility podcast – Episode 4 – Planning for charging infrastructure
This episode explores the various factors that city planners and stakeholders consider when deciding where to place charging stations, from socio-demographic criteria to energy grid capacity. How to overcome the challenges associated with determining optimal charging infrastructure locations?
Guests: Eva Sunnerstedt, Project manager for Clean vehicles and fuels at Stockholm City Hall; Marie Rajon Bernard, researcher from International Council on Clean Transportation and Simon Weekx, PhD student at MOBI Electromobility Research Center.
Download ICCT working paper:
Download Master plan for developing electric vehicle charging in Stockholm:

The electromobility podcast – Episode 3 – The world of electric charging
Eager to know how electric charging works in practice?
This episode of the Electromobility podcast will introduce you to the world of electric charging. Together with our experts, we will explain what is the difference between AC and DC charging, take a look at the steps of a charging session, explore what is needed to create a charging spot in the city and much more!
If you haven’t done so already, check also the first two episodes of the Electromobility podcast, where we speak about the electric revolution and the costs of driving an electric car!
Hungry for more information?
Download BEUC’s publication ‘Electric car ownership: an affordable option for all consumers’:
Download RAP’s publication ‘The time is now: smart charging of electric vehicles’:

The electromobility podcast – Episode 2 – The price of going electric
How much does it cost to go electric? What are the costs of owning and using an electric vehicle?
This episode will look at prices because they’re one of the main factors people consider when deciding whether to go electric. To help us navigate through the costs and solutions for consumers, we invited Julia Hildermeier and Jaap Burger from the Regulatory Assistance Project and Robin Loos from the European Consumer Organisation.
If you haven’t had the chance to check our first episode on the electromobility revolution, you can still do so before listening to this second one.
Download BEUC’s publication ‘Electric car ownership: an affordable option for all consumers’:
Download RAP’s publication ‘The time is now: smart charging of electric vehicles’:

The electromobility podcast – Episode 1 – The electric revolution
In this first episode of the series, we met with Julia Poliscanova, Senior Director for E-mobility at Transport & Environment and Thomas Neumann, Policy Manager at AVERE, the European Association for Electromobility to discuss the concept of the e-revolution and the challenges behind it.

When in Rome, charge as the Romans do: USER-CHI Cities Episode 7 – Rome
Rome has been on a journey to transform its mobility patterns over the past few years.
Now, with the addition of eMobility to the mix, the challenge is to build charging infrastructure that will get Romans to adopt new ways of moving.
Join Rome’s eMobility revolution here!